POSitive Retail Manager EPOS

POSitive Retail Manager

The POSitive Retail Manager Point-of-Sale Software Solution can help you maximize your profits and improve efficiency.
Best of all it can accomplish this at a reasonable price. 

POSitive Retail Manager works to give you a completely automated retail management system that supports barcodes and touch-screens, and integrates with all your back end operations in real time. Replacing stand-alone cash registers or separate retail software, POSitive software empowers your managers with all the audit trails needed and end-of-day reports that allow cash registers to be secured so they can be tallied individually.

In addition, POSitive software enables inventory tracking in real-time, allows capture of all customer information making for improved service, offers integrated credit card processing and permits flexible product pricing configuration with checks to prevent your staff from selling at lower than designated rates.

What's more, by maintaining customer information in the database, POSitive Retail Manager & POSitive for Windows Point-of-Sale Software Systems enable your sales persons to up-sell and cross-sell your other products and services.

This powerful retail software package runs on personal computers and helps you manage a wide range of store operations and customer marketing tasks, including:

  • Point-of-sale operations
  • Inventory control and tracking
  • Pricing, sales, and promotions
  • Customer management and marketing
  • Employee management
  • Customized reports
  • Vendor tracking

In addition to broad-spectrum Point of Sale functionality, the fully-integrated POSitive Retail Manager Point-of-Sale Software System covers accounting, e-commerce, inventory control, sales, order entry, purchasing, CRM, shipping & receiving, RMAs and more.

The strength of the product lies in it's modular design that enables you to enhance your business productivity significantly without having to purchase functionality you don't need saving you money. With our POS software system, you get a powerful yet affordable small business management software solution right-out-of-the-box!

There is a host of other benefits in the POSitive Retail Manager Point-of-Sale Software System. To learn more about 'Point of Sale' in POSitive and how it integrates with the rest of your business, request a free consultation of POSitive Retail Manager software.

 Let's face it, every POS software system tracks inventory and invoices; what really sets POSitive Retail Manager apart are the extended features not available in any other POS software package.
